I'm still around in case anybody is wondering. Sorry for the lack of updates, but things have just been so crazy busy since I got back from the UK in September.

I can't believe it's less than a week till Christmas, and how quickly it's crept up. Didn't seem so long ago I was scoffing and how ridiculous the department stores started putting up Christmas decorations in October!

  • Some of the things I've been up to in the last couple of months:
    Got a new phone - Nokia N70
  • Been to the UK (all over) , Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Germany (Berlin)
  • Been to Dubai
  • Took lots of pics but haven't sorted through them yet.. have put up a few on Flickr but there's LOADS more
  • Got a 5-week contract job with HugeObject, which was interesting and a fun office to work at.
  • Attended my first Web Standards Group meetingParticipated in my first protest rally - Walk Against Warming
  • Paid off my credit card bill racked up from my holiday
  • Bought a Macbook - white, 2.0 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM
  • Done my taxes (got a bill, not a refund this year) * Learnt how to use Subversion for version control
  • Trying to learn Ruby on Rails
  • Wanting to learn AJAX
  • Moved this site and a few others to Media Temple's (gs) Grid Server
  • Launched a few new web sites - Gemstone Brokers, DJRW, Friday Club Central
  • Been to several Christmas parties (already) So there you go. I'll be around Melbourne for the next few days, then going to the Grampians on Christmas Day for 3 days, then Warnambool overnight then back in Melbourne for New Years. Really looking forward to a break and chill out a bit. Merry Christmas everybody and to a great year ahead!

Still alive